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International Business Center/MSU-CIBER

The International Business Center (IBC)/MSU-CIBER in The Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University was designated in 1990 as a Center for International Business Education and Research Center the U.S. Department of Education (CIBER). The mission of IBC is to leverage our leading-edge knowledge and skills to provide superior education, research, and assistance to businesses, multiplier groups, faculty, and students on issues of national significance for international competitiveness. The International Business Center is funded by: The Title VI B grants through the International and Foreign Language Education Program Office of the U.S. Department of Education, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, The Eli Broad College of Business at MSU, Office of the Provost at MSU, The Office of Research and Graduate Studies at MSU, Libraries, Computing, & Technology at MSU and individual donors.

IBC/MSU-CIBER focuses on four critical areas of national significance to accomplish its mission:

Photograph of Beaumont Tower on a sunny day at Michigan State University

IBC at Michigan State University

Partners and Affiliates


A number of organizations provide funding, resources, and support for the operations of the MSU International Business Center and to collaborate with our world-leading faculty at Broad College and MSU. We are very grateful for their support. Each is listed below with a description of the organization and our relationship.

Interested in becoming a partner? Please contact us at

Ciber Network

CIBER Network

The U.S. Department of Education provides funding to schools to support activities related to U.S. trade and competitiveness. MSU-CIBER has been designated a national “Center for International Business Education and Research” since 1990. MSU-CIBER has been serving the IB community for over 30 years as one of the first CIBERs in the country.

International Study Program

International Studies and Programs

International Studies and Programs (ISP) is the hub for international research, teaching and outreach at Michigan State University. ISP’s efforts expand and deepen MSU’s global research and help create the scientific knowledge needed for responding to the world’s emerging opportunities and global goals. ISP works to position MSU as a leader in international research and scholarship, the internationalization of higher education, and as an indispensable partner in global collaborations.

Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection Michigan State University


The Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection (A-CAPP) is the first and preeminent academic body focusing upon the complex global issues of anti-counterfeiting and product protection of all products, across all industries, in all markets and strategies to work effectively to detect, deter, and respond to the crime.

Michigan Economic Development Corporation


The Michigan Economic Development Corporation is a public-private partnership serving as the state’s marketing arm and lead agency for business, talent and jobs, tourism, film and digital incentives, arts and cultural grants, and overall economic growth. IBC partners with MEDC on multiple projects aimed to increase the global competence of Michigan’s small and medium sized companies that often have resource and knowledge constraints in exporting and international trade.

US Commercial Service United Stated of America department of commerce

U.S. Commercial Service

The U.S. Commercial Service (CS), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, offers companies a full range of expertise in international trade. IBC partners with U.S.C.S. on multiple projects aimed to increase the global competence of Michigan’s small and medium sized companies that often have resource and knowledge constraints in exporting and international trade.

Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development


Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD) is comprised of six divisions that use a customer-driven, solution-oriented approach to cultivate and expand new economic opportunities for the food and agriculture sector. In conjunction with various partners and service providers, the International Marketing Program offers Michigan businesses a variety of export marketing programs and services. MSU-CIBER works with MDARD as a part of the Global Business Club of Michigan.

Exim Import Bank of the United States


The Export-Import Bank (EXIM) is the official export credit agency of the United States. When private sector lenders are unable or unwilling to provide financing, EXIM fills in the gap for American businesses by equipping them with the financing tools necessary to compete for global sales.

Michigan SBDC

Michigan SBDC

The Michigan Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers expert assistance at no cost to entrepreneurs looking to start or grow a business. SBDC enhances Michigan’s economic well-being by providing consulting, training, market research and more.

U.S. Small Business Administration


The Michigan District office provides help with SBA services including funding programs, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and disaster recovery. They can also connect you to partner organizations, lenders, and other community groups that help small businesses succeed.

East Michigan District Export Council Working for Americas' Exporters

East Michigan District Export Council

EMDEC Members works in conjunction with the U.S Commercial Service to demystify and to promote exports of East Michigan businesses. Members are leaders from the local business community whose knowledge of international business provides a source of professional advice for local firms. EMDEC currently has representatives from academic institutions; government offices; law and accounting firms; and the banking, manufacturing, computer, and high-tech industries.

West Michigan District Export Council

West Michigan District Export Council

MDEC West works in conjunction with the U.S Commercial Service to demystify and to promote exports of West Michigan and Upper Peninsula businesses. MDEC West is an all-volunteer board whose members represent a broad range of business capabilities, including sales and marketing, distribution, legal, financial, risk mitigation, logistics and related areas.

Automation Alley

Automation Alley

Automation Alley is a World Economic Forum Advanced Manufacturing Hub (AMHUB) and a nonprofit Industry 4.0 knowledge center with a global outlook and a regional focus. They facilitate public-private partnerships by connecting industry, education and government to fuel Michigan’s economy and accelerate innovation.

Foster Swift Collins and Smith PC Attorneys

Foster Swift

Foster Swift Collins & Smith is a Michigan law firm built upon age-old philosophies that embrace integrity, hard work, camaraderie and community involvement. Foster Swift attorneys have assisted foreign and U.S. clients with joint ventures, acquisitions, export control and import issues, manufacturing agreements, sales and supply agreements, distributor relationships and more. MSU-CIBER works with Foster Swift as a part of the Global Business Club of Michigan.

Lansing Regional Chamber of comerece

Lansing Regional Chamber

With over 2000 chamber members, the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce facilitates area economic development through the support of existing business and the attraction of new businesses. MSU-CIBER works with the Lansing Chamber as a part of the Global Business Club of Michigan.

Leap Learning Together


The Lansing Economic Area Partnership (Leap) is a collaboration of Lansing area businesses, executives, elected official, non-profit organization leaders, and university presidents who have united to further Lansing in the global marketplace. Their goal is to increase Mid-Michigan’s efficiency while it is competing for people, jobs, and investment.

Lansing Community College


Lansing Community College (LCC) is a public two-year college located four blocks from the Michigan State Capitol Building. LCC serves almost 40,000 students each year (with students from more than 125 countries in the last four years). IBC collaborates with LCC on the Global Business Club of Michigan and the IB Institute.

Community College for International Development 47th Annual Conference Washington DC


Founded in 1976, CCID has been helping members further their internationalization initiatives and develop globally competent workers for the past 40 years. Today more than ever, employers are looking for graduates with multi-cultural experiences and CCID is committed to helping our members meet that need.

McGraw Hill


McGraw-Hill addresses all aspects of the education market from pre-K through professional learning. McGraw-Hill is a leading provider of reference and trade publishing for business. MSU-CIBER provides internationally oriented assignments, based on globalEDGE™ material, in McGraw-Hill’s textbooks.